Winter has set in and ground conditions are now too wet to continue operating machineries. Todd Murphy from Tip Truck Limited has completed the first part of the post storm repair work. A big thank you for his support.
Several large culverts have been installed and a lot of water control measured carried out on the farm side of the fence have allowed a better control of the water coming from the hills. Culverts heads have been protected with concrete aprons. Flumes for our critical culverts have been ordered and one installed in the slip area. We cross our fingers and hope that the winter rains won’t create more damage on our infrastructures. We have done the best we could to avoid further degradations.
In May 2022, Terratangata worked with local Artist Chris Wilson who built several picnic tables made out of Totara logs. The end results is stunning.
Terra tangata also finalised the production and installation of several interpretative signs that explain the rich history of the area.
We will keep you posted later on in the winter.